Windows 7 Doesn’t remember folder view settings
Finally a fix for Windows 7 and the lack of remembering individual folder view settings!
Finally a fix for Windows 7 and the lack of remembering individual folder view settings!
At work we had an issue where two Windows 7 Home Pre clients would not show newly created files on mapped network drive. Normal refresh wouldn’t cut it, but unmount and remount or a pc reboot would. After little of googling I found I wasn’t alone.
Even though this topic’s setup was a windows server and here at my office we use Samba 3.6.3 with SMB2.0 enabled. But the symptoms were very similar. The finger was pointed at the new caching abilities in the SMB2.0 client. The solution was to disable DirectoryCacheLifetime on the client via a registry entry. Here is Microsoft link for description of DirectoryCacheLifetime
In my experience it seems that only Windows 7 Home Pre clients are effected, our Windows 7 Pro clients have no issues. I applied the registry entry to the Windows 7 Pro machines as well with no side effects.
Little windows batch script I made to convert 1 flac at a time to AAC (m4a)
C:\ffmpeg.exe -i %1 -c aac -ab 256k -strict experimental "%~d1%~p1%~n1.m4a"
grab ffmpeg.exe from
So yeah, Got a lot of empty folders? Want to get rid of them? run this in a folder with empty subfolders!
find -depth -type d -empty -exec rmdir {} \;
I wanted to copy my pfsense disk without taking down the machine. (Moving from 3.5″ to 2.5″ disk for increased power savings) So I’m using DD and piping it over SSH to my file server. No progress bar but my drive is small.
dd if=/dev/sda | ssh root@freenas "dd of=/backup/pfsense.img"
found out adding ‘bs=4k’ or larger made transfer go little faster
dd if=/dev/sda bs=32k | ssh root@freenas "dd of=/backup/pfsense.img"
I topped out around 200mbit, with my router CPU maxed out. Must be SSH’s encryption overhead.
Credit –
DD Man Page –
Some applications while processing a request can ‘freeze’ or lag the UI of the OS. But most are single threaded applications and I sit on a powerful multi-core desktop. My example Mail Merge in Microsoft Word. My work around so I can keep working in other applications on my desktop is to make multiple user accounts. So when I want to run a MS Word mail merge I first switch to ‘Jason2’ account and start the long mail merge process, and switch back to my main account to continue working with no UI Lag from the OS.
Silly Windows.
Current setup is 2 raidz1 vdevs with 3x3TB drives each. Yielding 12TB
Hello World! This will be the most boring post ever. For who ever reads this post, my goal with the website is to store notes, steps on how I solved problems, tips, and other computer related things. There has been many times blogs have shown me the way to fix complicated computer issues. So now on I will try to post every computer issues I have with a solution so maybe I can help someone with the same issue.